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Module Coordinator : Dr. Filzani Illia

Tutor : Ar. Shahrianne Mohamad Shah & Ar. Carol Lee

The module offers key techniques for communicating architectural design effectively. It uses architectural drawings to engage students in diverse ways of visualising and expressing space and spatial ideas in order to prepare them for design tasks. These abilities are taught through a series of freehand and structured drawing exercises that take place both outside and in the studio. The module will be taught using a lecture and tutorial format, with students participating in a blended learning experience during the lecture and tutorial sessions. The main form of delivery is a blended learning strategy, which includes a mix of face-to-face and online learning (TIMES). The module assessment will be a individual assignment with a series of summative assessment. 

Project 1

A movie poster is a wonderful way to pique people's attention and give them a first impression of the film, which can make or break a moviegoer's desire to see it. A movie poster is essentially a sneak peek into what the film is about, so it's critical that it accurately reflects the film. The most effective technique to do this is to replicate the primary plot of the film on the poster. It's critical to capture the essence of the film in the poster because it will affect all of the design decisions you'll make. Students will be able to demonstrate their knowledge and skills gained from previous activities in this class by designing a movie poster for this assignment.

Project 2

​In this project we are required to draw Orthographic drawings, Axonometry drawing and Perspective drawings according to the Farnsworth House. 

Project 3

Presentation boards for architects are a way to show off your work. They serve as an introduction to the design process and methodology, as well as a summary and vision for the project. It is essentially a means for communicating design and showing artistic abilities and design sense. The architectural model is a common tool for communicating a building design or masterplan. The model is a representation of architectural ideas that can be used at any stage of the design process. An architectural model depicts the design's scale and actual presence. The model is a three-dimensional representation or interpretation of the design, usually scaled down from full size.

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